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Goliath vs David, Meet the Bold Shepherd

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The life of the young shepherd who became a national hero.

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The beginnings of who would become the most important King in the history of Israel. The life of the young shepherd who became a national hero. Friend of prophets, kings, and princes. From his humble beginnings in a small town... to the moment that would change his life forever... and to the glory of true triumph... Fearless, Astute, and Courageous. The words, actions, and consequences of a young man who acted with integrity. A staff, five smooth stones, a pouch, and a sling. The confrontation against a mighty giant. One of the most impressive stories in the documented history of man. We invite you to David, Part I. The Courageous Shepherd.

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39 Maple Tree Ave, Stamford, CT 06906 39 Maple Tree Avenue, Stamford, CT, USA

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